Source code for aiida_codtools.parsers.cif_cod_deposit

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Generic `Parser` implementation that can easily be extended to work with any of the `cod-tools` scripts."""

import re

from aiida_codtools.calculations.cif_cod_deposit import CifCodDepositCalculation
from aiida_codtools.parsers.cif_base import CifBaseParser

[docs]class CifCodDepositParser(CifBaseParser): """Parser implementation for the `CifCodDepositCalculation` plugin.""" _supported_calculation_class = CifCodDepositCalculation
[docs] def parse_stdout(self, filelike): """Parse the content written by the script to standard out. :param filelike: filelike object of stdout :returns: an exit code in case of an error, None otherwise """ content = if not content: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_EMPTY_OUTPUT_FILE # The incoming `filelike` is opened in binary mode, so to allow string operations we first need to decode content = content.decode() content = re.sub(r'^[^:]*cif-deposit\.pl:\s+', '', content) content = re.sub(r'\n$', '', content) regex_deposited ='^(structures .+ were successfully deposited into .?COD)$', content) regex_duplicate ='^(the following structures seem to be already in .?COD):', content, re.IGNORECASE) regex_redeposition ='^(redeposition of structure is unnecessary)', content) regex_invalid_input ='<p class="error"[^>]*>[^:]+: (.*)', content, re.IGNORECASE) if regex_deposited is not None: exit_code = None elif regex_duplicate is not None: exit_code = self.exit_codes.ERROR_DEPOSITION_DUPLICATE elif regex_redeposition is not None: exit_code = self.exit_codes.ERROR_DEPOSITION_UNCHANGED elif regex_invalid_input is not None: exit_code = self.exit_codes.ERROR_DEPOSITION_INVALID_INPUT else: exit_code = self.exit_codes.ERROR_DEPOSITION_UNKNOWN return exit_code